While the movie Kinsey reminded me again of A Beautiful Mind, depicting a socially alienated scientist, only attached to normality by the patience of a loving spouse. Kinsey's mind is exclusively focused on biology after an extreme puritan childhood shows him nature as the only escape from family restrictions. He manages to pursue an academic career and successfully changes his study subject from gall wasps to humans after experiencing late sexual pleasures as an adult. I believe his findings are even in the 21st century quite surprising and eye-opening and the movie should be a must watch in school's biology classes.
Same is true for Desmond Morris' The Human Animal series, which were produces by BBC in 1994, and are based on his 1967 book The Naked Ape. In particular the 4th episode "The Biology of Love", which provides not only a anthropological road map from flirting to intercourse, but also explains the biological purpose of love, why our species is more sexually active than other primates and interestingly also how some religions like Islam, orthodox Judaism and conservative Christianity have turned into social hierarchies which oppress women.
Returning from two weeks in Europe, where the anti-Islamist sentiment was one of the recurring themes - see below my Jihad picture taken in Danish harbor city Esbjerg - I conclude that a lack of interest in traditional monotheistic religions is part of a society's progress. Gender equality and tolerance towards sexual orientation accompanies material affluence and spiritual growth. Muslim societies have clearly been stuck somewhere in the 14th century when it comes to gender equality, take Saudi Arabia for example.
Some Western intellectual voices like Slovoj Zizek or Richard Dawkins are growing deafening loud, in particular about the naiveness of some European societies to believe that there is any moral obligation to integrate orthodox Muslims. Why would we want to integrate retard Christians from the dark Middle Ages into our societies? But a Copenhagen based friend is perfectly right, if he warns that Western nationals focusing on retard Muslim behavior might as well forget their own shortcomings. Its always easier to point at the neighbor than to clean up one’s own back yard.