The prisoners dilemma. The tragedy of the commons. The Fermi paradox. Humankind if taken as a whole is an evolutionary dead end. Good that there is Dilbert.
- completing a 2 yearlong pilot project about environmental education for which we traversed a 100km2 city dozens of times, mapped more than 400 trees and combined these trees into web of experiential routes to learn about the local ecosystem. The Mobile Campus 4.0 is a scalable framework to grow ecological intelligence.
- Why is it scalable? Because we also launched a new functionality on our app which organizes human scale outdoor learning spaces in commons. The Mobile Campus 4.0 can therefore be replicated in any other city or district which still has some nature to preserve and has not been entirely surface sealed.
- the head of the Green party, who usually blames the socialist majority government for all kinds of environmental infringements, thinks that of course much more could be done, but she is glad that some things are changing. It almost sounds as if she is happy with the mayor who rules the city since more than 18 years.
- the school director insists that there is enough environmental education happening in her school and blames lazy parents and inactive teachers, if there is not. So, if all is great, what is there to discuss?
- the socialist member of the city council makes us understand that the state government is not interested in introducing more environmental education in the public curriculum – and that’s the end of the story for the municipal government. Without the legal framework from the state, the city officials and politicians have to watch the 6th mass extinction hands down.