The 7 Timeless Virtues of Enlightened Living by Robin S. Sharma
Robin S. Sharma's little book "The Monk who sold his Ferrari" was recommended to me during my Camino Frances pilgrimage in 2006 by a New York Broadway director who I ran into. I did not pick up that book till last year. It just seemed to fishy, new age like. But I had it during those years always on my reading list and eventually looked up the synopsis. A star lawyer in a physical (thus also mental) life crisis sells everything to become an enlightened monk who continues to serve only one purpose: spread a message of enlightened living. I was somehow reminded of John Grisham's novels, which I loved to read before and during law school, but the book soon turned into a very practical guide on how to get one's life under control and how to reach more fulfillment. It was the perfect "positive literature" which I like to read in a small dosis before I go to bed. After finishing I realized that Sharma had written a great fable that can be also used as a course book, like Julia Cameron's "The Artist Way" or Tim Ferriss' "The 4 Hour Week". Thus I started to make an excerpt of the book like I had it done with all my text books in university - a condensed version that facilitates studying the main concepts.