I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone. [Bill Cosby]
the above quote from Bill Cosby doesn't seem to be an obvious choice for a chapter on psychology, but for me psychology is about success on a very personal level, not about what the majority thinks of me. finding the balance of being emphatic to the people you love and those who are in need of your support and not letting yourself down is a very delicate skill, not mastered by many. in this sense my definition of psychology is very positive - not like the traditional one, which focuses almost only on pathological conditions: psychology is the study of how man can make most out of his/her resources to his own and the benefit of all that is. the study of psychology shall liberate the individual in order to maximize it's positive impact on society. I will collect some thoughts and excerpts of books on this subpage that shall serve this objective.
for an introduction to psychology i highly recommend the Open Yale University course with Dr. Peter Bloom. A condensed and witty journey across all mature questions that make up the field of psychology. In 1994, when I started my studies in Vienna, I was inscribed for law and psychology and had lofty ideas about venturing into criminology to eventually make understand that all thugs have a reason to be and could be brought back on track to a sound life. I still regret that I gave up psychology over law and my interest remains in place. Dr. Bloom explores in Lecture 20 the topic of positive psychology and herein the essence of happiness. I believe that both, traditional psychology and modern, positive psychology is required to bring individuals and humanity as such forward, but I am convinced that positive psychology should be promoted widely and taught extensively in all kinds of educational bodies available to influence our societies.
for an introduction to psychology i highly recommend the Open Yale University course with Dr. Peter Bloom. A condensed and witty journey across all mature questions that make up the field of psychology. In 1994, when I started my studies in Vienna, I was inscribed for law and psychology and had lofty ideas about venturing into criminology to eventually make understand that all thugs have a reason to be and could be brought back on track to a sound life. I still regret that I gave up psychology over law and my interest remains in place. Dr. Bloom explores in Lecture 20 the topic of positive psychology and herein the essence of happiness. I believe that both, traditional psychology and modern, positive psychology is required to bring individuals and humanity as such forward, but I am convinced that positive psychology should be promoted widely and taught extensively in all kinds of educational bodies available to influence our societies.