Whoever wrote that line, she does not realize that global competitions, which celebrate nation states, constitute an anachronism causing ecological and social destruction. It is the nation state system which we need to overcome in order to survive on this planet.
Football as a glorious distraction. Shouldn't we focus more on the problems of the day instead of being numbed by panem et circenses? While mainstream journalism deplores the death of 6500 construction workers and related human rights abuse, which is in itself a tragedy, I read hardly anything about the hilarious insanity to implement a tournament in a desert country where only a fully air-conditioned stadium makes it possible for 24 adult man to run after a leathery ball.
Aren't there more important things to be done? Why don't I read a straightforward opinion which blames the FIFA management and all corporations involved for gambling with the future of our children? How much longer will profit and power rule over purpose and responsibility?
The world's wealthy jetset to Qatar and amuse themselves while a growing number of children in one of the foremost richest nations is deprived of sleep and food. Great Britain shows us that the predictions of Francis Fukuyama about the decline in social capital in the West have come true. Like in a dejavue the ghosts of Oliver Twist return. Have we not learned from the past?
Like the plague brought about an age of enlightenment in 18th century England, when rich but not completely apathetic entrepreneurs filled the void of state welfare by starting initiatives which we now label as philanthropist, COVID could trigger a radical transformation in 21st century Europe.
- a Guardian essay on the subject - ignorant of the ecological impact
- my 2018 essay about the neurology behind football
- the Guardian on the "Shocking scale of pupils' hunger"
- my 2020 essay about pandemics and social evolution